History - Fili quid fecisti (Com.)

Jun 17, 2021 (Jacques Perriere)

removing space before interrogation mark, punctum mora up on 'sic', ancus on 'doléntes' + episemas on the same level, adding punctum mora at the end of 'nesciebátis'

"(c4) FI(fdf)li,(f.) *(,) quid(f) fe(fe)c\u00ed(gh)sti(h) no(hfg)bis(g) sic ?(efd.1) (;) e(d!ff)go(d!ff) et(fd~) pa(fh)ter(g) tu(ixhihhg)us(g.) (,) do(g)l\u00e9n(fefv_E~D~)tes(e_[oh:h]d) qu\u00e6(f)re(gh)b\u00e1(hgh)mus(fgf___) te.(f.) (:) Et(f) quid(ixhih) est(h) quod(g) me(ixhih) qu\u00e6(g)re(f)b\u00e1(ff/g_f)tis ?(f.) (;) ne(f)sci(h)e(g)b\u00e1(g!jj)tis(ixhih.___) (,) qui(f)a(f) in(gh) his(h) qu\u00e6(g) Pa(gj)tris(jjj) me(g)i(g.h!iw!jvIH) sunt,(hgh.) (,) o(gh)p\u00f3r(dg~)tet(g_h) me(fvED) es(ded___)se ?(d.) (::)"